Getting considerably stronger and staying that way is largely a matter of taking care of the details, such as training consistently, designing a program that fits your individual needs, eating wholesome foods, taking nutritional supplements, getting plenty of rest and so forth.
Most serious strength athletes take care of these tasks diligently, yet at the same time they’re negligent when it comes to two other disciplines that are most important to success in the weight room: warming up and stretching.
I’ve watched athletes in a wide range of sports spend 20 minutes or more stretching out their muscles and doing various drills to warm up their bodies before a practice session or game. But when they walked into the weight room, they started lifting without doing anything to prepare themselves for the stress of moving heavy poundages in a wide range of exercises. And when they finished their sessions, they never bothered to stretch out those fatigued muscles. Rather, they picked up their gym bags and left.
Sound familiar? It should, because it happens in nearly every fitness facility in the country on a daily basis.
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